Published February 2024

Harvesting Denial, Distractions & Deception

The Freedom Food Alliance's debut Disinformation Report analyses how the animal agriculture industry uses disinformation to block progress towards plant-based foods, despite environmental and health benefits.

Despite these well-known tactics, many still need to prepare to counter this misinformation.

Explore the extent of industry-led misinformation and the solutions in this exclusive report by Nicholas Carter, Lead Author and Environmental Scientist.

AI creative image of mans head surrounded by headlines from newspapers and digital media

"Animal agriculture misinformation campaigns are an existential threat to global net zero goals, and a significant business risk for food companies looking to lower the GHG emissions footprint of their supply chains, which is why we need Freedom Food Alliance’s vital work more than ever."

Sonalie Figueiras
Green Queen Media

"The meat industry’s misinformation tactics are even worse than the fossil fuel industry’s."

George Monbiot
Environmentalist & Thought Leader

"In the face of all the evidence, the animal agriculture industry continues to peddle falsehoods, deploying a smokescreen of denial, distraction, and deception.

I welcome this report, and commend it's researchers and authors - showing the sheer scale of animal agriculture industry activity, akin to big oil and big tobacco before them - well funded, well organised campaigns of misinformation and science denial that are being used to thwart the essential shift to sustainable, plant-based diets - simply to support a business model and a ‘product’ that does people and animals great harm"

Dale Vince

“Animal agriculture giants are waging a disinformation war, threatening public health and the planet. Our report exposes their tactics of denial and delay and underscores the need for urgent action. We call for robust legislation, an end to greenwashing, and strict accountability for these major polluters."

Nicholas Carter
Lead Author & Environmental Scientist

“We all say we want to fight misinformation. Most of us are even aware that industries are often built on false information and assumptions. But without continuous, rigorous efforts to set the record straight, we will often remain under the spell of whatever clever marketing is thrown at us.”

Ali Tabrizi
Film Maker

"Brazilian beef giant JBS are masters of misinformation, so it's great that the Freedom Food Alliance are shining a spotlight and calling out the beef and meat industry's dangerous and misleading practices like this."

Alex Wijeratna
Senior Director, Mighty Earth

"Disinformation is a key challenge of our time, with the field of nutrition often adversely impacted. It is therefore great to have an organisation such as the FFA to hold the food industry to account and supporting people to harness the huge benefits."

Dr Shireen Kassam
Founder and Director, Plant-Based Health Professionals UK

What Are The Experts Saying?

Globally renowned environmentalists, media leaders, and nutritionists proudly back the Freedom Food Alliance and our mission to fight misinformation and empower the consumer.

Read our widely endorsed 2023/24 Misinformation Report that is supported by dozens of environmental and nutrition experts across the globe.