Feedback & Corrections

At the Freedom Food Alliance (FFA), we prioritize transparency, fairness, and accountability. Recognizing the importance of feedback for ongoing improvement, we have implemented a structured Feedback & Corrections procedure.

Should you notice any errors, omissions, or areas for clarification in our content and wish to submit feedback on these issues, please contact us using the 'Submit Feedback' option below.

We are committed to reviewing your concerns promptly. It is beneficial if you specify the content in question and detail your concerns, including any relevant data or references.

Feedback Handling Policy

We value all feedback and appreciate the efforts of those who contact us to enhance our content.

Due to the volume of feedback, we encourage you to use our contact form for efficient tracking and management.

Our approach to handling feedback is guided by a couple of principles:

  • We balance direct communication with our broader obligations to the public.
  • We are committed to disseminating accurate information and will make amendments where they are deemed beneficial.

Feedback is reviewed in two stages:

  • Initially, our designated Officer evaluates the feedback to determine necessary actions, typically within a few days, but no more than three weeks. Do note that not all feedback will receive a personal response.
  • Subsequently, a different team member reassesses the feedback to identify any overlooked issues or broader insights.

All feedback submitted through our contact form is systematically recorded in a database. All personal information submitted will be processed and stored in compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and UK General Data Protection Regulations.

Response to Feedback

We value your input and aim to inform you when your feedback has been considered and if it has led to changes. It may take some time if your feedback prompts detailed internal reviews and data re-evaluations, or requires consultations with external experts. Please note that detailed responses are not always possible.

Confirmed changes are noted in the respective article as corrections, with significant modifications announced through the same channels as the original publication. Corrections on other platforms are similarly updated. For significant errors, we include an explanation of the error.

We may also update facts with new information, which will be clearly labeled as updates.

Post-Feedback Actions

Feedback management includes several verification steps:

  • Initial responses are assessed by our designated Officer during annual reviews of all feedback.
  • Feedback cases may be reopened if further examination is warranted.
  • In cases of unresolved issues, an internal review is offered, and if necessary, an independent review may be conducted.

Your Voice Matters

We believe in the importance of your feedback in helping us maintain the highest standards. If you have any concerns about our content or operations, please don't hesitate to reach out. Your input is crucial for our growth and integrity.